Microfiction Submission Guidelines

The theme for our first microfiction submissions call is, unsurprisingly, Halloween!

We are looking for drabbles (stories of exactly 100 words) and very short stories or narrative poems of up to 250 words. These do not necessarily have to be speculative, although stories with elements of speculative fiction are always preferred. Also, vignettes or slice-of-life stories are fine as long as there is at least some kind of narrative. How you incorporate the theme is up to you.

To submit, please send your drabble, story, or narrative poem to dragons.zine[@]gmail.com (without the brackets, of course). Paste your submission into the body of the email. Also include the title and your pen name. As the subject, please put HALLOWEEN SUBMISSION: title.

We cannot pay for microfiction, as this will allow us to post more pieces than we otherwise could. All rights remain with the author at all times. You may publish elsewhere immediately if you like.

We also will not be posting author bios with these pieces, but if you want us to include a link to your author website or social media, please let us know!

Submissions for this call will be open from September 20 to October 16, 2023. You may submit one drabble and one piece of microfiction or narrative poetry of any other word count. We hope to respond by October 23 and publish pieces between October 26 and Halloween.