The night began with my favorite things: a walk, a treat, cuddles, and a chew toy. Things went downhill quickly.
Mom turned on the noise machine and petted me. Dad held up my favorite blanket, urging me to dive beneath it.
Then the sky started to fall. Loud booms, like thunder, only but without the rain. Just booms. Lots of booms. They went on for hours.
“Quick!” I barked. “Hide with me! The world is ending.” But it was no use. They didn’t understand, and my voice couldn’t make human words.
“It’s okay, Luna,” Mom kept saying in a soothing tone, but I knew better.
Eventually, the booms grew less frequent, then stopped. Carefully, I emerged from my hiding place under the bed and looked around. The world hadn’t ended!
Relieved, I hopped into bed and waited for Mom and Dad to pull up the blanket. Then I dove under the covers to sleep in my favorite spot between them.